Kevin Hart Instructional Design

Learners First. Always.

My Philosophy

You are not a computer. At least I assume you’re not.¹ You are a human with a brain. It seems obvious, but so much corporate learning out there treats you like you’re simply a database into which information can be dumped. To be clear, you are indeed capable of learning vast troves of information.² But it has to be delivered in a way that doesn’t insult, bore, or bury you. Learning needs to be delivered to you in a way that acknowledges that you are a human. 

That’s what I do. I approach all learning from the standpoint of you, the learner. You are my entire focus. My courses are tailored to your needs so that in the end you will walk away with something new and useful in your brain. 

¹ But, really, who can tell these days?

²Sometimes, it’s really useless information. Did you know that the longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds?

How I do it

There are hundreds of learning theories and instructional design models out there. Some are better than others. What I’ve found is that most of them can be boiled down to some core questions. I use these questions to collaborate with subject matter experts and create learning that focuses on the learner’s needs. What are these magical questions? 

  • What are your goals for this course? 

  • What would the learner need to do to demonstrate they’ve met the goal? 

  • What knowledge and skills do learners need to accomplish the goal?

  • Why does the learner need this?

Seems simple, right? But in corporate learning, they often forget that there’s a human at the other end. Someone has a bunch of content they want the learner to “know.” And they forget to ask, “does the learner need this?” 

What it looks like

Click the links below to see some examples.